Sacrifice after Sacrifice, Prayer by Prayer,
The day of our Redemption
will soon be here.

What you will need:
- 16 Sheets of Cardstock (regular paper will do if that is what is to be had)
- 2 sheets of Address Labels
Again if all that is had is card stock or plain paper, use scissors and glue to accommodate.
- 1 or 2 purple file folders (any purple will do,we used this box so that we could use the other colors for things such as blue in May for our Blessed Mother.
- A color printer (black will do too, just color items in by hand)
- Scissors
- Glue
- 1 sandwich bag that seals
-Small piece of purple ribbon or string
-Willing hands and a Lenten spirit!
Start by Printing and Prepping Your Pieces

Print Your Cover - There are two Choices
Print the History of Lent and All for Jesus Booklets
Print the Countdown Cross
Print the Holy Week Matchbox Booklets
Print the Stations Pocket & Resurrection Flip Book
If you want color the outside flaps of the Resurrection Flip book yellow and write He has Risen! On one flap. Using the picture of the Resurrection (printed in the step above), glue it to the inside square of the flap book. Fold the sides in starting with the top flap, then counter clock-wise. The last flap gets tucked under the first to hold it closed. For th e Stations pocket, fold the large flap back on the line then fold in the side flaps. Glue the back of the side flaps to the back flap to make a pocket.5.) Print out the Stations Pocket and Resurrection flap book. Single sided, in color. Cut along the outside edges, do not cut the lines inside the book.
Print the Stations of the Cross
Now Print your Stickers
Putting it All Together! Lets start with folding the folder!
Once you have folded the right side in it will look like this...
Now fold the other side so that it lines up with the cut of the side you just folded. | When you get it folded it will look like this, divided into 4 sections. Since that branding mark was showing inside our folder, I turned it over and creased the folds in the opposite direction. |
Time to start placing the pieces in their new home….
Glue HALF of your cover piece to the left side, of the front of your file folder. Glue the Crown of Thorns to the lower right of the cross. The middle of the Crown will have the crease of the folder behind it, that is ok, it will fold with the folder. | Open your folder like a book and glue your Lenten Cross Count Down in the center. Add the History of Lent Book to the left top side of the folder. Glue the All for Jesus book to the top right of the folder. |
Fold your Holy Week Match Books: Fold the picture part at the line over the text. For the two small ones that will be the only step, just folding them in half. | If the matchbook is longer, fold UP the bottom part under the picture part. | Glue in your lapbook in order (Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday, Maunday Thursday, Black Friday and Holy Saturday) placing the glue on the back part which should be white allowing the book to still open. |
Glue the back of the Stations of the Cross pocket to the lower left hand corner. Glue the Prayer in Commemoration of Our Lord's Passion between the Crown of Thorns and All for Jesus book. To the back of the folder staple the bag at the top between the seal of the bag on only the BACK side of the seal. Then place your stickers inside and this will allow you to seal and re-seal the bag while keeping the stickers with the lapbook for the next 40 days. | Punch a hole in the flap of the front cover and also in the side of the file folder just opposite. Tie a ribbon or string in a bow to secure the lapbook closed. Write My Lenten Lapbook and place authors name on it. |
Enjoy using your lapbook throughout Lent to encourage sacrifices, to teach children to forget themselves and think of others and also to pray to Our Dear Lord.
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