by: St. Charles Borromeo
My good Angel, I know not when or how I shall die. It is possible that I may be carried off suddenly, and that before my last sigh I may be deprived of all intelligence. Yet how many things I would wish to say to God on the threshold of eternity. In the full freedom of my will today, I come to charge you to speak for me all that fearful moment. You will say to Him then, O my good Angel:
That I wish to die in the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, in which all the saints since Jesus Christ have died, and out of which there is no salvation.
That I ask the grace of sharing in the infinite merits of my Redeemer, and that I desire to die in pressing to my lips the cross that was bathed in His blood.
That I detest my sins because they have displeased Him, and that I pardon through love of Him all my enemies as I wish myself to be pardoned.
That I die willingly because He orders it, and that I throw myself with confidence into His adorable heart awaiting all of His mercy.
That in my inexpressible desire to go to heaven, I am disposed to suffer everything it may please His sovereign Justice to inflict upon me.
That I love Him before all things, above all things, and for His own sake; and that I wish and hope to love Him with the Elect, his Angels, and the Blessed Mother during all Eternity. Amen.