angelus_-_handwriting.pdf |
The Angelus handwriting practice can be found below or here.
My version of these school planners are now available to download. If you would kindly bring to my attention any mistakes you find, I will be very grateful. You can find both files on our download page and can view the sample pages below. Please note: I'm not a professional, I made these to fill a need I have for my own children. Feel free to download and print them for your own family's use. I have copyrighted them please abide by the copyright laws. God bless you all in the coming school year! The following is taken from: "The Greatest and First Commandment" by Father Michael Muller, Imprimatur 1811. His books are excellent and explain the faith so well. You can find the e-books here.
What is attendance at false worship? It is to assist at the religious worship of heretics. To worship God according to a rite contrary to all precepts of the Gospel is a false and unlawful worship of God. Hence it would be a grievous sin for a Catholic to worship God according to the ceremonial laws of the Jews, for though they were prescribed by God for the Jews before the coming of Christ, yet they were abolished by Christ in the new law. It is also a false and unlawful worship of God to adopt a new religion in opposition to the doctrine of the true Church of Jesus Christ, the Roman Catholic Church, and assist at the religious worship of such a false religion. Hence, even if a Catholic despises in his heart such a false religion and worship, it is unlawful for him to play the organ, or to sing, or to discharge the office of sacristan, in Jewish or Protestant temples during their false worship, or to compose hymns or music for the same, or to ring the bell for calling the people together, or to contribute money towards the erection of temples for false worship, or to call a Protestant minister for the performance of some religious rites, as, for instance, the rites of marriage or baptism, or funeral, etc.; or to take Protestant children, or accompany grown persons, to Protestant Sunday-schools or church and stay with them during their religious worship. Any such act is strictly forbidden by the law of God and of the Church, because it is a real communication and formal co-operation in a false worship, and a real approval of it. "No one" say the Fathers of the Fourth Council of Carthage (in 398), "must either pray, or sing psalms with heretics; and whosoever shall communicate with those who are cut off from the communion of the Church, whether clergyman or layman, let him be excommunicated." Such was the language of the Church in all ages. Pope Paul IV. wrote to the Catholics in England : "We are forced to admonish and to conjure you, that on no account you go to the churches of heretics, or hear their sermons or join in their rites, lest ye incur the wrath of God, for it is not lawful for you to do such things without dishonoring God and hurting your own souls." In consequence of such authoritative decision, the Catholic pastors of England and Scotland have made most strict prohibitions of all such communication by their special regulations. Here one may say : The reason why I play the organ, or sing, or officiate as sacristan, etc., in a Protestant church, is because I get a good pay which enables me to support my family. I answer: What you do is a grievous violation of the first commandment. It is never allowed to commit a mortal sin in order to acquire the means of support. Alas ! that there are so many people who make a living by unlawful means ! "But the bishop, or parish priest has given me permission to play the organ, to sing, etc., in the Protestant church," says another one. I answer : Neither any priest nor bishop, nay, not even the Pope, can give you permission to violate any of the commandments. "But I am well instructed in my religion," says another; "I can see no harm in what I do in the Protestant church." I answer : I doubt what you say. If you were well instructed, you would know that attendance at false worship is a mortal sin, and that this sin is still greater for him who plays, or sings, at it, or renders any other kind of service for it. And do you see no harm in committing a mortal sin? Do you see no harm in the great scandal you give to those Catholics who know of it, and to the Protestants, whom by your playing and singing, etc., you confirm in the belief that their religion is as good as the Catholic religion ? (See Bishop Hay's Sincere Christian, Vol. II. On communicating with those out of the Church and Father A. Konings C. SS. R., Moral Theology, de Co-operatione Catholicorum. p., 136.) St. Hermenegild, the son of Leovigild, king of Spain, became a convert to the Catholic faith. When his father, who was addicted to the Arian heresy, heard of it, he be came quite enraged, and put his son in a frightful dungeon, where he made him suffer most cruel torments. The holy martyr wrote to his father: "I avow your goodness to me has always been very great. I will preserve, to the last moment of my life, the respect, duty, and tenderness which I owe you. But is it possible that you should wish me to like worldly greatness better than my salvation ? I value the crown as nothing. I am ready to lose sceptre and life, too, rather than abandon the divine truth." The prison was a school of virtue to this great martyr. He clothed himself in sack-cloth, and performed other bodily penances in addition to the hardships of his prison. He offered up to God many fervent prayers to obtain sufficient strength and courage to remain faithful in confessing the truth and dying for it. The solemnity of Easter being come, the perfidious father sent, in the night, an Arian bishop with the message to his son that, if he received communion from the hand of that prelate, he would be received into favor again. Hermenegild, however, rejected the proposal with indignation, reproaching the messenger with the impiety of his sect, as if he had been at full liberty. When the bishop returned to the Arian king with this account, the furious father, seeing the faith of his son proof against all his endeavors to make him give up the Catholic religion, sent soldiers with orders to kill him. They entered the prison and found the saint fearless and ready to receive the stroke of death. They cleaved his head with an axe, and scattered his brains on the floor. (Butler s Lives of the Saints, April 13.) What is heresy? Heresy is the obstinate clinging to error of a baptized person, in opposition to a truth taught by the Catholic Church. The word "heresy" is derived from the Greek, and means to choose or adhere to a certain thing. Hence a baptized person, professing Christianity and choosing at the same time for himself what to believe and what not to believe, as he pleases, in obstinate opposition to any particular truth which he knows is taught by the Catholic Church as a truth revealed by God, is a heretic. Three things, therefore, are required to make a person guilty of the sin of heresy. 1. He must be baptized and profess Christianity. This distinguishes him from a Jew and idolater. 2. He must refuse to believe a truth revealed by God, and taught by the Church as so revealed. 3. He must obstinately adhere to error, preferring his own private judgment in matters of faith and morals to the infallible teaching of the Catholic Church. Heresy, therefore, is a corruption of the true faith. This corruption takes place either by altering the truths which constitute the principal articles of faith, or by denying obstinately those which result therefrom. But, as the error of a geometrician does not affect the principles of geometry, so is the error of a person, which does not affect the fundamental truths of faith, no real heresy. Should a person have embraced an opinion which is contrary to faith, without knowing that it is opposed to faith, he is, in this case, no heretic, if he is disposed to renounce his error as soon as he comes to know the truth. A baptized person, then, professing Christianity, commits the sin of heresy, when he obstinately rejects a truth revealed by God and taught by the Church as so revealed, or when he embraces an opinion contrary to faith, maintains it obstinately, and refuses to submit to the authority of the head of the Church, or when he willfully doubts the truth of an article of faith, for by such a wilful doubt he actually questions God's knowledge and truth, and to do this is to be guilty of heresy. "The real character of rank heresy," says St. Thomas Aquinas, "consists in want of submission to the head of the Church." It is false to say that only those truths are of faith which have been defined by the Church, and that he only is a heretic who denies a defined truth. A man steals a large amount of money from his neighbor. Now is that man no thief so long as the court has not pronounced him guilty of theft ? Jesus Christ has revealed to his Church a certain number of truths. She knows what those truths are. She always believed and taught them as revealed truths, but she defined many of these truths in precise terms only when it was fit or necessary to do so. These definitions of the faith are so many judgments of the Church against those who denied her doctrine or called it into doubt, out of vincible or invincible ignorance. Those who, out of invincible ignorance, denied certain revealed truths, were excused from heresy until the Church delivered them from the ignorance of these truths by declaring and defining them in precise terms. A Christian, then, who knows that a certain truth is revealed by God and taught by the Church as so revealed, though not defined by her, becomes guilty of heresy if he denies or willfully doubts that truth. No doubt, Luther, Calvin, etc., were considered by the Church as heretics even before she had defined those truths which were denied by those impious men, and those denied truths were articles of faith, and as such believed just as firmly before as after their definition by the Council of Trent. Any one, then, who sufficiently knows the truths of the true religion, and denies even but one of them, commits one of the greatest sins. To reject what we know has been revealed by God is not only to cut ourselves off from all the blessings of religion, but it is to call in question the Truth of God, and he who calls in question the Truth of God offers to him the greatest insult. We believe the truths of faith, because God revealed them and proposes them to our faith by his infallible Church. Now, to believe some of these truths, and reject one or more of them, is as much as to say: I believe that God told the truth in this point, but not in that other. This is a horrible blasphemy. Wilful heresy, therefore, in regard even to but one sacred truth of religion destroys all faith, attacking as it does the authority of God, who revealed the truth. If a man who poisons the food of his fellow-men is most damnable in the sight of God, how much more damnable are not those men who poison the souls of men by the seed of heresy ! To take away the life of the body is a mortal sin. Now is it not a greater crime to rob the soul of its life the grace of God, and lead it to everlasting perdition by false doctrines. Hence it is that Holy Scripture condemns the sin of heresy in the strongest terms. "A man," says St. Paul, "that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition avoid, knowing that he who is such an one is subverted, and sineth, being condemned by his own judgement." (Tit, iii., 10. ) And again he says: "Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a Gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema, that is, accursed." (Gal, i., 8, 9.) St. Paul also classes sects or heresies among the works of the flesh, and says that those who do such things, shall not obtain the kingdom of God. (Gal., i., 29. ) Source: The First and Greatest Commandment by Father Michael Muller, Imprimatur 1881 Just wanted to let you all know that I will be uploading the free download of both student planners this coming weekend. I'm sorry to say but at his time I am unable to offer a printed version.
Sorry readers for the different look, the content hasn't changed. For some reason my theme disappeared and I had to replace it.
We have updated our Menu planner. We've added more room to keep track of our favorite recipes and changed the cover. We offer it both an e-book (you can print and bind your own) or a printed and bound version. If you would like to view sample pages or purchase this planner you can find it here. |
Holy Mother Church
dedicates the month of August to the Immaculate Heart of Mary COPYRIGHT
The purpose of this website is to share the beautiful Catholic resources that God has so richly blessed us with. All texts unless they are my own words have their sources quoted, and most of them are in the public domain. Any educational items that I have made for or with my children are NOT TO BE USED FOR PROFIT, but are meant to be used for personal use by individuals and families. You may link to our site if you so choose. A Saint for everyday and good reading at:
August 2024