Q. What is Modernism?
A. Modernism is a form of rationalism which aims at the rejection of dogma and divine authority in the Church.
Q. What is the modernist's form of religious truth?
A. The Modernist's form of religious truth is the private consciousness of man.
Q. What is the pretended object of Modernism?
A. Modernism pretends to remodel the whole Christian religion and adapt it to the ideas of the twentieth century.
Q. What do Modernists hold regarding the definitions of the Church?
A. Modernists hold that private conscience should not be hampered by any definitions of the Church.
Q, What do Modernists hold regarding religious liberty?
A. Modernists hold that there should be a general reunion, including even atheism, based upon the feelings without regard for creeds or dogma.
Q. Is Modernism a heresy?
A. Modernism might be called a tendency to rationalism and skepticism, which embraces all the heresies.
Q. What do modernists hold regarding dogma?
A. Modernists hold that dogma is a mere symbol of the unknowable and is true only in so far as it excites and nourishes religious sentiment.
Why is a Catholic not allowed to take part in Protestant services?
By taking part in Protestant church services a Catholic participates in a false religion and therefore sins against faith. One religion is not as good as another. There is only one true religion— the Catholic religion. The law of the Church says that the faithful may never take active part in the religious services of non-Catholics.
Source: "Complete Catechism of Christian Doctrine" by Roderick A McEachen, Imprimatur 1911
Modernism is condemned by the Catholic Church, in Pius X encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis.
There is only one Faith that will get us to heaven and that is the ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC FAITH.
As they say, a picture paints a thousand words!
Lord Jesus, most merciful Saviour of the world, we humbly beseech Thee, by Thy most Sacred Heart, that all the sheep who stray out of Thy fold, as well as those who are held by the darkness of error, may be converted to Thee, the Shepherd and Bishop of their souls. Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Ghost, forever and ever. Amen.