+ J.M.J. +
Dear Friends,
By the grace of God I was able to get this site up and running again. I hope to make the planners available again soon. Time gets away from me these days. They will be a free PDF file that you can print yourself. Circumstances have changed and I can no longer offer the printed versions.
Copyright - The purpose of this website is to share the beautiful Catholic resources that God has so richly blessed us with. All texts--unless they are my own words--have their sources quoted, and most of them are in the public domain. Any educational items that I have made for or with my children are NOT TO BE USED FOR PROFIT, but are meant to be used for personal use by individuals and families. In other words, "Thou shalt not steal." If you would like to share these files please provide a link to our website. Thank you and God bless you!
St. John Bosco, patron saint of Catholic Journalism, pray for us!
To know and to understand the Church is a sacred duty for every Catholic. Loyalty to the Church is not merely one among many loyalties. It is the one great loyalty of our lives in which all other loyalties are rooted and from which all derive their life and strength. For the Church is Christ and in the Church we are united with Him and with one another as members of one Body. Hence, a burning love for the Church must always be an outstanding characteristic of a good Catholic.
(adapted from "Story of the Church" Imprimatur 1935)
There are braver soldiers than those who fight on a field of battle, and these are the men and women, boys and girls, who fight in the army of God. Their weapons are not guns and swords; they are prayer and good works. Christ is their Captain. He leads His soldiers against the enemy, and all who follow Him and do as He commands are victorious.
Since the world began there have been thousands of faithful soldiers who have fought in God’s army. Among them were bishops and priests, monks and nuns, kings and queens, rich men and peasants, grown people and children. These have now gone to live forever in Heaven with the Captain, Christ. Some of them have been canonized by the Church, and these we call Saints.
The names of many of Christ’s soldiers we know, and the stories of their lives are written in books, that we may learn to love the brave and noble deeds they performed for God. As we read about these holy people, let us resolve to imitate their virtues, that we, too, may enlist in God’s army as soldiers of Christ.
(adapted from "Misericordia 5th reader" Imprimatur 1929)
"In the beginning, and through the centuries, there has been a rivalry between the sword and the pen. Which is the mightier has been the question. Rightly the decision favors the pen. The sword is trenchant and quickly hurls souls to their eternal destiny. The pen, incisive as the blade, has left a mark deeper and broader than the sword. "One drop of ink makes millions think." The pen shapes the activity of mankind when the sword lies idle in its sheath. The scabbard must at times put the sword to sleep. The pen never slumbers." ~ Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson ~
So with the pen it is that we shall fight!
Onward Christian Soldiers!
In Their Hearts!