And this is a battle from which, as it ends only with life, there is no escape; and he who fights not in it is of necessity either taken captive or slain. Besides we have to deal with enemies who bear us an unceasing hatred, so that from them we can never hope either for peace or a truce, because they slay those most cruelly who strive most to make friends of them.
Thou hast no cause however to fear either their power or their number; for in the battle none can be a loser but he who wills it; the whole strength of our enemies is in the hand of the Captain for whose honor we have to fight. And not only will He guard thee from all treachery, but He will even fight for thee, a being mightier than all these enemies. He will give the victory into thy hands, if only thou wilt fight manfully together with Him, and trust not in thyself, but in His power and goodness. And if the Lord give thee not so speedy a victory, be not disheartened, but be the more assured that all things which shall befall thee, those even which to thee may seem furthest from, yea most opposed to thy victory, all will He turn to thy good and profit, if thou wilt but bear thyself as a faithful and generous warrior.
- Scupoli
The soldier's fidelity is proved in battle, and blessed is he who is faithful in adversity.
- St. Alphonsus Liguori