But thou, as far as thou art able, flee the things of time, such as acquaintanceship, speech-making, and occupations of small profit, and because the days are evil, redeem the time that should be given rather to Me and to thy soul than to others. Is My proposition hard and difficult? Observe how much time is given up to the body for food and sleep, to conversation, banquets, and the rest, so that you cannot give ever so small a portion to God, to your soul, to eternity! Alas, how prodigal men are of time when it is a question of serving vanity, how sparing of it when it is a case of occupying themselves with His business to whom all time is owed.
~F.M. Horst
Jesus, be Thou ever with me in the way; in every place and at every time be my good guide, that I go not astray in by-ways.
~Thomas a Kempis.