The Prophet Elias is the Christian soul traveling through the desert of life. Often wearied by the weight of existence the exile casts himself down despondently in the shadow of the first rock he meets, and cries, “Lord, I have lived long enough, release me from this world; the source of life and strength is withered within me.” Soul of little faith! Lift your eyes, and see the Angel who is at your side. He holds in his hand food prepared in heaven. Take this strengthening manna and you will rise in full strength for the journey that lies before you. Take this Bread. It is Jesus Christ, and “Christ is life, and life is bread,” as Tertullian says. {De orat.)
How many weak souls drag themselves wearily through the shades of mortal languor, because, though they have known the gift of God, they have forgotten to eat their bread, and their soul is enervated like the body of a man who for a long time has eaten no food.
-Msgr. Landriot