Blessed is that good servant who has been faithful over a little, who useth every moment of his life in a profitable way ; who is not busied with what doth not concern him, and who, to please God, becometh like one that is deaf and dumb. He goeth through the bustle of the world in peace, having his soul always in his hand.
Take therefore no thought of the behavior of thy neighbor, save and as far as the love of God and charity may require. Desire not the praises of men, seeing they are vain. Be not fearful of their reproach; for instead of doing harm to thy soul, humiliations cleanse it, and render it more meet to receive a brighter crown in heaven and none are worthy to be glorified in heaven who are unable to bear reproach on earth for the love of God.
~Thomas a Kempis.
Bear the annoyances of your condition in a penitential spirit; these are the penances God assigns you and far more useful than what you may choose for yourself.