"Thou art then a king?" Pilate asks again; and, "I am what thou sayest," Jesus replies. This is the same answer as before, for faith and truth cannot contradict themselves, I believe, again, O Lord, that Thou art the king of my soul, I confess Thee and adore; I will ever cry "Thou art King, my Savior and my God." I will appeal to Thy rights over me when passion claims me as a captive in defiance of my allegiance, sworn to Thee. Am I not in the world just to bear this testimony? I will be faithful, strengthen this resolution in me, ‘formed as it is under the inspiration of Thy grace!
- Pere Arancin S.J.
O Lord Jesus Christ, I adore Thee hanging on the cross. Thy head crowned with thorns ! Thou art the King of Glory, O Christ!
- St. Gregory