Almighty God, Father of all "mercies, and God of all comfort, have mercy on us the afflicted members of Thy Catholic Church. Forgive us our sins; give us time to do penance; grace to resist sin and peace to serve Thee in holiness. Comfort us that be prisoners; deliver us that be strangers in dispersion; succour all that be afflicted for confessing Thy Holy Name. Make us worthy to suffer; give us strength to bear, and constancy to confess. Let no fear nor force remove us from Thy unity. Let no craftiness of the Devil deceive us, nor device of men overcome us. Discern, O Lord, Thy cause, humble Thine enemies, recomfort Thy friends that they may give thanks unto Thee, and glorify Thy Name In Thy Holy Church. Grant this, O Lord, for Christ's sake, our Lord, that suffered bitter death to make His Church glorious. Amen.