Cowards Are Not Respected
Do you wish to be like Pilate? Surely not. Pilate was a coward, was he not? He knew Jesus was not a bad man. He knew Jesus was something more than a mere man. Pilate did not wish Jesus to teach him the truth. He shut his heart to the little voice that told him that he was doing wrong. He wished to please the people. He did not wish to lose his job. See what cowards are ready to do for what they think will make them happy! Do you think Pilate was happy after he gave Jesus to the Jews? Indeed he was not. Did the people like him better after he let them have their way? They did not, for some time later he had to give up his place and died in disgrace. That is what he gained by acting the coward. Today the name of Pilate, like the name of Judas, is hated by all good people. Judas was a traitor, for he sold His best friend. Pilate was a coward, for he was afraid to do what he knew to be right. People do not respect traitors and cowards. You will be better loved if you always do what you know to be right.
1. When others laugh at me and make fun of me for doing right, I will ask Jesus to make me strong and not to let me be a coward like Pilate.
2. I will be faithful in keeping my promises to Jesus.
O Jesus, sweet Jesus, 0 Jesus Divine,
My life and my death unto Thee I resign;
Every action of mine shall Thy patronage claim
For whatever I do shall be done in Thy name.
Source: Practical Aids for Catholic Teachers, Imprimatur 1928
To be continued . . . . . . . . . .
After the dreadful scourging and crowning with thorns, Pilate showed Jesus to the people. He thought they would be moved to pity, if they saw Jesus now. But the leaders of the Jews had stirred up the people against Jesus. They forgot all the kindness Jesus had ever shown them. They were blinded by their hatred of Him when they saw Jesus standing before them bleeding and crowned with thorns, instead of pitying Him, they shouted "Crucify Him!" This meant that they desired Him to be nailed to a cross. Could you imagine a more cruel punishment! To nail a person to a cross was a horrible torture. Only great robbers and murderers were crucified. So these wicked people wished to see Jesus nailed to a cross. They wished Him to suffer yet more. They were like wild beasts let loose. The more blood they saw, the more they longed for. Pilate was a coward. I told you before, dear children, that when Jesus was first brought to Pilate, he found that Our Lord had done nothing wrong. But to please the Jewish leaders and because He was afraid of the people he had Jesus beaten with whips. Now the people wished Jesus to be nailed to the cross, and Pilate, being a coward, told the people to do as they liked with Jesus. See what it is to be a coward! Pilate's conscience told him that Jesus was a good man. He wished to free Jesus, but he was afraid the people would not like it . He did not listen to his conscience and so at last he gave up Jesus to be nailed to the cross.