Here is another proof of Joseph's obedience. The Angel has spoken, and Joseph instantly complies with prompt and unquestioning obedience. Each word of the narrative corresponds to some part of the Angel's message. It is with the return as with the departure ; perfect conformity in the conduct of Joseph to the commands of the Angel. Surge. Qui consurgens. Arise. Joseph arises. --Accipe puerum et matrem ejus. Accepit puerum et matrem ejus. Take the Child and His Mother. He takes the Child and His Mother.--Vade in terrom Israel. Et venit in terram Israel. Go into the land of Israel And he goes to the land of Israel.
This last fact is recorded in few words,but the journey into Egypt was full of trouble and hardship. Few words suffice to record the latter fact, and yet if the Flight into Egypt was marked by pain and hardship, the Return must have been doubly so. Whether the Holy Family remained in Egypt for three or, as some say, seven years, so long a journey must have been equally trying to a child who, if but three years of age, was too feeble to walk and too heavy to be carried for any length of time, and who, if as old as seven, would still be incapable of traveling fast or far. Let us follow Joseph on this painful journey. His devotedness is inexhaustible, and his patience and serenity are equally so. Forgetful of self, he thinks only of the Mother and the Child: Accepit puerum et matrem ejus. The way was long, and seemed interminable, but it ends at last: Et venit in terram Israel.
If Joseph is the protector and patron of those who are in difficulty, he is also their example, for, having experienced all kinds of embarrassment, he knows how to compassionate. Let us then have recourse to him whenever we have obstacles to encounter or difficulties that appear insurmountable.
Quod possiibilitas nostra non obtinet. It is the Church herself who bids us, in such cases, have recourse to the Holy Patriarch. Following his example, let us persevere on our way, and our goal will be attained! In face of impossibilities, do what you can and God will do the rest.
22. The Chapel of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Two travelers from Paris, husband and wife, arrived at the Noviciate of the Little Sisters of the Poor at La Tour. They were deeply moved by the welcome they received and by the poverty that reigned in the House. The chapel struck them most forcibly ; it was too small even to hold the novices, but it contained a small statue of Saint Joseph, to whom the Sisters had recourse for the funds necessary to construct a more convenient edifice. The travelers had just paid their devotions at the shrine of the Saint, when one of them said to the other: " While kneeling here an idea has struck me." "And me also."—"We are rich."—"That is true,"—"We have no children."—"Alas ! none."—"What if we build on this spot a chapel in honour of Saint Joseph ? "—" The same thought has struck me." The idea was carried out, and at the present day, thanks to the generosity of M. and Mme. Feburier, the Little Sisters of La Tour possess a beautiful church.