Contemplate Saint Joseph at the foot of the Crib. How unspeakable his bliss ! The Divine Child gazes smilingly at him, and one such look suffices to obliterate all anxiety. For Joseph, the past and future are effaced; he lives but in the present, and enjoys celestial peace. So in our lives there are times of extraordinary peace and joy, and the soul listens, breathes, enjoys, and possesses happiness in a manner so spiritual as to be inexpressible by human tongue. Such was the happiness of Saint Joseph in the presence of the new-born Jesus. He adores in silence, and his silence is one of awe. Is this the Word by Whom all things were created? by Whom all things subsist?
Silence of admiration! The Word is made Flesh, and we have beheld His glory! His birth reveals His love; angels have sung His greatness; the star announces His power; and ere long His words will reveal His wisdom and His deeds show forth His might.—Silence of joy! This stable, this crib, contain Him Who is the glory of heaven and of the heavenly hosts.
Silence of grief ! He has come to His own, and His own have received Him not. For the Son of David, for the Son of God, no place is found in Bethlehem! The heart needs but Jesus. In Him are all treasures, joys, and honours. Look at Mary and Joseph. Around them is nought but poverty, suffering, and humiliation. What matter? They are happy: Jesus is there!