Mary was confided to Saint Joseph as a precious deposit. The mission of this just man was to shield the virginity of Mary. Meanwhile the work of the Holy. Ghost is accomplished. Let us simply observe our rule of life, fulfil the duties of our calling, and God meanwhile will work out great things, accomplishing His designs, and inasmuch as we have been faithful to the mission entrusted to our care, God will associate us with Himself in the work that otherwise He would effect without our aid.
Joseph covers, so to speak, the Divine work; and thus God makes use of our words and example to give birth to Jesus in the hearts of men, whilst in reality it is His grace that effects these wonders.
3. Dignity of Saint Joseph.
On the Feast of the Annunciation Saint Gertrude beheld in vision all the saints of heaven bend the head each time the choir uttered the name of Joseph; they exchanged glances, testifying their happiness at the glory Saint Joseph enjoys in heaven, and the honour rendered to him on earth.