—Saint Luke II. 1, 3.
Joseph, in virtue of his royal descent, should have commanded, he obeys ; his heritage was a throne, and yet among the lowly is his home! True greatness and liberty are independent of social position. Many a one appears to hold a higher rank than his brethren, and is in reality but the puppet of those whom in semblance and fancy he commands. He ranks as first, and is but last and lowest of all. In the most holy position one may be as great, as free, as ever was monarch on his throne !
In the sight of God and of the angels, Joseph fills the highest and most regal position in the world. . Augustus governs Rome, and through Rome the world. Joseph rules but one family, commands but two subjects ; but this family is comprised of Jesus and Mary—Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and Jesus, God and King over all the Caesars and nations of the world ! Do you aspire to be great and free ? To possess real authority and lasting influence over men? Humble yourself and obey. God and man resist the proud. Give way to others and cede in all things where truth and justice demand not the contrary. Thus and thus only will you be found strong and free when called on to defend the interests of God and of your neighbour.
Watchword.—Conceal your greatness.
10. Saint Joseph's Power revealed by Our Lady.
"My daughter," said the Blessed Virgin, to one of her faithful clients, " words fail to reveal the eminent sanctity of Saint Joseph. Only in heaven will this deep and admirable mystery be fathomed. At the Judgment Day numbers of the lost will bitterly lament having slighted and neglected so powerful a protector. The world ignores the greatness of the prerogatives bestowed by God on my holy spouse. Seek his intercession in every hour of need, and strive to augment the number of his clients. God grants on earth all that my spouse demands in heaven.