Yet again once more does the Holy Ghost recognize and indicate Saint Joseph as the adopted father of Jesus. Whence arises the surprise felt by Joseph and Mary at that which is spoken concerning Jesus?
Is it because of the great things foretold by Simeon and by Anna? No; they know that Jesus is indeed the Great One : Hic erit magnus' and when, in obeying God's command, they gave Him the name of Jesus, they knew that it was a name above all names. That which now seems to cause them wonder is beholding the hidden greatness of the Divine Child acknowledged and revealed by others. They admire and rejoice at the honour that accrues to Jesus. Let us not envy those who have the happiness to glorify God in a higher degree than ourselves. If you love Jesus and seek His glory, so that He is loved and glorified, whether by your efforts and your labours or by those of others, your joy will be the same.
It is not always those who serve Jesus most openly, by word or pen, who contribute most to His service and glory. Who dare assert that Simeon or Anna had done more for the glory of Jesus than did Mary? Or that Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, and Doctors have done and suffered more for Jesus than did His Blessed Mother ? You cannot sever the action of Joseph from that of Mary, for Joseph shared all the anxieties and cares of his spouse ; he it is who nurtured, protected, guided, and tended both the Mother and the Child.
Let us be content to leave brilliant words and deeds to those whom the Holy Ghost inspires. By your incessant desires, your upright, simple, and pure intentions, doing God's will in your respective spheres; one in the world and amid the embarrassment of business or of a family ; another in the solitude of the cloister, unknown to man and even to those by whom he is surrounded, feeling that what you are and what you do is of but little value, you may contribute to the glory of Jesus as much, and often more, than missionaries, bishops, preachers, doctors, and than Popes most eminent in word and deed.
Watchword.—Seek glory, but let it be the glory of Jesus.
16. Alms in Honour of Saint Joseph.
The community of La Misericorde, at Laval, found it necessary to erect some buildings, but funds were wanting. It was the month of March 1844. A Novena was made in honour of Saint Joseph, and a few days after the Superior of the Community, Mother Theresa, received from a lady at Rennes the sum of 7000 francs. The gift was accompanied by a letter stating that the idea of making the offering had entered her mind on Saint Joseph's Day.