A book that tells of the Holy One,
That dearest Child, the Virgin's Son,
Dear Children, is the best for you;
You'll tire not as you read it through.
With joy you'll hear the angel's song,
And join the shepherd's happy throng;
Wish, with the kings, the Babe to greet,
And cast your treasures at his feet.
But when the noble Child you see
Compelled from Herod's wrath to flee,
Your hearts are touched, and you desire
To give them to the Lord entire.
You promise to forsake him never
Whose love for you endures forever.
And, as to God's throne angels bear
This promise, and present it there,
Your souls with heavenly love grow warm,
You feel that Christ will shield from harm;
A voice within you seems to say:
"Dear Child, be loving, meek, and pray;
Then shalt thou to the God-child come,
And share with Him his blessed Home."

The first book in our collection is called, "The Miracle of Saint Nicholas," by Gloria Whelan. This book we take out on St. Nicholas' feast and read it often during the coming weeks.

The second book that comes out of our basket is, "Lucia, Saint of Light," by Katherine Bolger Hyde. This book is brought out on the Eve of St. Lucy's Feast day and read in anticipation of the festivities of the following day!

A tale of some of the old Polish traditions. We do keep the tradition of the straw under the tablecloth and Wigilia, however some of the traditions seem to have become superstitious, and this is something that we as Catholics must avoid.

"Silent Night, The Song and It's Story" by Margaret Hodges. Our favorite Hymn to sing on Christmas Eve, the story of it is very charming!

"A Child's Book of Christmas Carols," by Inez Bertail. Very, very beauti- fully illustrated by Masha.

Another of Tomie's books, "The Legend of the Pointsettia" is another charming tale the children love.

There are quite a few books about the Little Drummer Boy out there. This one just happens to be our favorite. "The Little Drummer Boy," illustrated by Kristina Rodanas

"This is the Stable," by Cynthia Cotten is an enjoyable book told in rhyme. The children had this one memorized in no time and love to finish the verses as they are read.

"The Huron Carol," Illustrated by Frances Tyrell and written by one of the North American Martyrs, St. Jean de Brebeuf for his beloved Huron Indians.
St. John de Brebeuf, pray for us!

"The Twelve Days of Christmas," beautifully illustrated by Jan Brett.

Giving gifts to the Christ Child is what Christmas is all about and even the smallest of us can do it if we try.
A very sweet story the little children really enjoy, even this mom loves it. "Small Camel Follows the Star," by Rachel W. N. Brown.

An adaptation of the classic story, "The Other Wise Man," retold by Pamela Kennedy. Written so that children can easily understand its meaning.

A Compilation of Prophecies and Short stories throughout the centuries concerning Christmas.
"A Christmas Chronicle," by Aloysius Horn

"Good King Wenceslaus," by John M. Neale

"The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey," by Susan Wojciechowski