From the book itself:
This book is divided into thirty-seven lessons, four hundred twenty-one questions, numbered and ordered according to the lessons and questions of the Baltimore Catechism. It is an attempt to put in a comprehensive yet concise form the Scriptural proofs of Catholic doctrine, and is the result of much painstaking research.
Through the kind permission of the Bishop of Peoria, the text of the Catechism is introduced without abridgment. The questions and answers of the Catechism appear in bold face type as headings. The passages of Sacred Scripture that confirm the doctrine of the Catechism, or in some way bear upon the question, are placed underneath and are printed in a pleasing “old” type. For the references Arabic figures of “modern style,” made prominent enough to arrest the attention, have been selected.
The references are printed in the guise of fractions, and, if read as such, will be easily memorized.
The Bible text used in this compilation is that of Potter’s Approved Standard Douay Edition.
In itself this book is a thesis proving how ample is the Scriptural basis of Catholic belief.
The work is given to the public with the hope that it may be of very great value, not only to Catechumens and Converts and those outside of the fold who desire to see the Scriptural support of the old Faith, but also to all students and teachers of Catholic doctrine especially to Priests, Seminarians and Catechists, who have taken to heart the words of St. Paul: “Carefully study to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”
One could use it with a religion course from the Baltimore Catechism or on its own as handwriting practice. We hope to have it finished sometime in June, God willing. If any mistakes are found in any of my projects would you please be kind enough to bring it to my attention. Thank you and God bless you all!