Pope Pius X
Pope Leo XIII died in 1903. In the conclave that followed, Joseph Sarto, the Cardinal Patriarch of Venice, was elected Pope and chose the name Pius X. He was a holy man and had all the characteristics of a simple parish priest. All his life long he had loved the poor and had labored in their midst. He announces to the world that it would be his great ideal as Pope "to restore all things in Christ."
In order that Christ might live more fully in the hearts of his people, Pius X encouraged frequent Communion. Too many Christians had gotten the wrong idea that they were not good enough to go to Holy Communion very often. The Pope reminded them that it is the desire of our Lord in the Holy Eucharist to become our Daily Bread and that He invites sinners as well as saints to eat His Flesh and drink His Blood. Through the Sacrament of the Altar they will receive the grace and strength to overcome temptation and lead holy lives.
Another wrong notion that had crept in was that one had to grow up before receiving Holy Communion, and all over the world children had to wait until they were over twelve years old before they came to the altar rail for the first time. Pius X insisted that they had a right to receive Holy Communion as soon as they had come to the age of reason and knew that our Lord is really and truly present in the Eucharist. He wanted the little ones to be united with Christ before their souls had been soiled by sin.
Pius X was most zealous for the spread of Christian learning. In 1909 he founded a school in Rome for the study of the Sacred Scripture. It is known as the Biblical Institute. He appointed a commission of Cardinals to bring all the laws of the Church together in a new collection called "Code of Canon Law" and he gave to the Benedictines the task of preparing a better text of the Vulgate, or Latin Bible.
There were those who thought that the Church could make more progress in the world is she would only bring her teachings more in line with the ideas and notions of the day. They wanted to be modern and it was not long before they were teaching doctrines concerning God, our blessed Saviour and the bible that were altogether wrong. To recall them to their senses and to remind the world once more of the true teachings of the Church, Pius X wrote a great Encyclical against modernism and ordered that henceforth all priests must take an oath not to teach modernistic theories.
Source: Story of the Church, Imprimatur 1935
A file of Pope Pius X encyclical on Modernism is below as well as a coloring picture for the children.