On the feast of the Assumption, while they were all deep in prayer, the Blessed Mother appeared to them and inspired them to leave the world and to live alone with God.
After several years of living by themselves, they went to the Bishop to ask for a rule of life. The Bishop told them that the matter was one which needed much prayer. The monks then went back to pray and ask Our Lady to let them know what to do. Mary appeared to them carrying a black habit. At her side was an angel bearing a scroll with the words "Servants of Mary" written on it. In this vision, the Blessed Mother said that she had chosen them to be her servants and to wear the black habit. These seven wonderful men helped each other to love and serve God better. Together they became great Saints. Many young men came to join these holy Founders. They were known as Servants of Mary, or Servites.
Like these seven Saints, let us love our Blessed Mother and ask her to help us in every need.