The holy couple had four boys. And all four of them also became saints. That makes nine saints in one family. Of course, Waldetrudis was very happy that God had given her such a good family. Yet she had to suffer very much in her lifetime. Jealous ladies spread terrible stories about her. They were not pure and kind as she was, and they did not want people to think she was better than they. So they said she only prayed and did good deeds to hide her secret sins. Of course it was all a lie, but the Saint did not defend herself. She thought of how Jesus suffered on the Cross and like Him, she forgave her enemies. This suffering made her realize how much better it would be to give herself entirely to God as a nun. Her good husband had already gone to become a monk.
Waldetrudis became a holy, pious nun who did much penance and works of charity. For a while she had a great temptation to go back to her home in the world. She felt lonely and sad. But she kept praying and she refused to let the devil's temptation scare her. At last, the temptation left her, and her heart was full of joy again.
Only those who fight hard battles will succeed. If we want to be saints, we must pray and bravely battle against all temptations and difficulties.

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