Because he was very honest and polite, Mark became disgusted with the arguments and dishonesty of those law courts. He decided to become a Capuchin priest. He received the holy robe of the monks and took the name, Fidelis, which means "faithful."
Father Fidelis was filled with joy when he was told to go to Switzerland to preach. In Switzerland there were many enemies of the Catholic faith, and he wanted to try to win these people back to Jesus. His preaching brought wonderful results, and many people were converted. The bitterest enemies grew wild with anger at his success.
St. Fidelis knew that his life was in danger, yet he went right on preaching. In the middle of one sermon, a shot was fired at him, but the bullet missed. He started back over the road on which he had come to the town. A group of men with guns stopped him and ordered him to give up the Catholic religion. The Saint answered meekly but firmly, " I will not renounce the Catholic faith!" At once, the cruel men struck him down. St. Fidelis pulled himself up and kneeling, prayed: "Lord, forgive my enemies. They do not know what they are doing. Lord Jesus, have mercy on me! Holy Mary, my Mother, help me!" Another blow hit him and then more and more blows until this hero's life was taken away.
It is a great honor to he able to help others come back to Jesus, back to Church. Let us try, by prayer, good example and kind words, to be real apostles.