St. Francis gave up the chance to be a great man in the eyes of the world, for he wanted to be a priest. He wanted to become great in the eyes of God.
At that time there were many people who had lost the true faith. Francis set out to convert them. He went on foot with a Bible, a breviary and one companion, his cousin, Father Louis de Sales. Every place they went, they met people who wanted to kill them. They were insulted and made to suffer. Yet, they did not turn back. And, after four years of hard work, the Saint had converted 72,000 souls! He gave all the credit to God, Who had given him the power to preach and convert.
St. Francis once had a very hot temper, but after praying and trying to correct this fault, he finally became a model of gentle meekness. He became Bishop of Geneva and founded the
Order of the Visitation. He also wrote wonderful books that teach everyone how to grow holy. As Bishop, he lived in a very simple house and practiced mortification. He sacrificed himself to help everyone. Once, a group of men came to ask his help. They lived in a town high in the mountains. Part of a mountain had fallen and blocked off the road leading to their town. They needed someone to go to see what had happened and then tell the King.
"I'll go at once," said the Saint. The men were so surprised! A bishop would come to climb over those rocks just to help them! Yes, St. Francis de Sales would do anything to help people. After a life spent in good works, this kindly Saint died. Pope Pius IV gave him the title of Doctor of the Church.
To keep peace with everyone, we will watch our words. Those who do not sin with the tongue, says the Apostle St. James, are saints.
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