From the time he joined the Church as a young boy, he grew in goodness and humility. The King of the Goths began a terrible persecution of all the Christians among his subjects. Although Sabas made no secret of his Christian faith, he was not taken prisoner during the first year of the persecution. The next year, the King's men came to St. Sabas' town looking for Christians. Some of the people of the town decided to swear that there were no Christians there. But St. Sabas would not stand for that. Without fear he stepped up to the officers and said, "Let no man swear for me. I am a Christian."
The persecutors asked the people how rich St. Sabas was. When they found out that he was just a poor, simple fellow, they did not think it worthwhile to bother with him, so they let him go. The third year, the persecution of the Christians was worse than ever. This time St. Sabas was taken and tortured in different ways. At last he was thrown into a river and held down with a pole until he died.
Just before he was put to death, St. Sabas joyfully said to the soldiers, "I see what you cannot see. There are people on the other side of the river ready to receive me into the glory of Heaven."
When we find it hard to do our duty, let us think of the reward God will give us.