At this time the Mohammedans were ruling Spain. They were terrible enemies of Christianity. At first they tried to make the people give up their Faith. When the people refused, the Mohammedans began to put them to death.
Eulogius and his Bishop were put in prison along with many other good Christians. In the prison, Eulogius read the Holy Bible out loud all the time to the other prisoners. In this way he filled them with courage. They did not feel afraid to die for our Lord. During this time, St. Eulogius also wrote a book encouraging Christians to die rather than give up their holy Faith.
The Saint himself wanted to be a martyr more than anything else. Instead, he was let out of prison. As soon as he was free, St. Eulogius began to preach and he converted many.
The Mohammedans were so angry with Eulogius that they arrested him again. In front of the judge, he bravely declared that Jesus is God. When they condemned him to death, Eulogius thanked God! Very willingly he offered up his life for Jesus.
We are all proud of our country’s war heroes, and we dream of doing the great deeds they did.

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