First, he asked advice of a holy monk, and then he started off. He took with him two books on the lives of the saints. Living by himself, he thought continually about God, and praised and thanked Him. Soon afterwards, his brother Lupicinus joined him. Romanus and Lupicinus were very different in their ways. Romanus was very hard on himself but very kind and gentle and full of understanding with others. Lupicinus was hard and severe with himself and with everybody else, too. Yet they got along perfectly.
When many men came to join them, they built two monasteries. Romanus governed one and Lupicinus governed the other. They prayed much and did much penance. They worked very hard, kept silent all the time, and were concerned only about becoming Saints.
St. Romanus and St. Lupicinus were both Saints, even though they were so different. We should learn never to dislike anyone, for everyone has many good qualities.