After he had studied hard many years, he was made a priest. Now Ludger began to travel far and wide preaching to the people. He was very happy to share all that he had learned about God with everyone who listened to him. Many pagans were converted. Many Christians began to live much better lives. And St. Ludger built churches and monasteries everywhere.
Ludger worked very hard and made much progress. Then, suddenly the Saxons, a group of barbarians, attacked his land and drove all the priests out! It seemed as though all the Saint's work would be lost. But Ludger did not give up. He first found a safe place for his disciples and then went to Rome to ask the Holy Father what he should do.
For over three years, Ludger lived in the Benedictine monastery as a good, holy monk. But he did not forget his poor people at home. As soon as he could get back into his country, Ludger returned and continued his work. He labored very hard and converted many of the pagan Saxons.
When he was made bishop, Ludger gave even more good example by his great kindness and piety. Once, jealous men spoke against him to King Charlemagne, and the King ordered him to come to court to defend himself. Ludger went obediently. The next day when the King sent for him, Ludger said he would come as soon as he had finished his prayers. King Charlemagne was very angry at first. But St. Ludger explained that although he had great respect for the King, he knew that God came first. "Your Majesty will not be angry with me," he said, "for you yourself have told me always to put God first." At such a wise answer, the King realized that Ludger was very holy and from then on, he admired and loved him very much.
St. Ludger died on Passion Sunday. He performed his duties in the service of God even on the day he died.
Let us appreciate the good education our parents are giving us. Some day we will be happy to be able to use all that we have learned.

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