"What is that?" he asked. When he found out, what torments the damned souls suffer there, he could not get it out of his mind. He began to pray and to live a holy life. His friends could not believe their eyes!
"You are living like a monk in a monastery!" one said. Dositheus wondered what a monastery was. At last, to please him, they took him to the monastery where St. Seridon was the abbot. Dositheus asked to be allowed to enter, because he said he wanted to save his soul.
As a monk, Dositheus obeyed perfectly. He did whatever he was told and grew holier every day. Once, to test him, his director had him make a habit for himself and then told him to give it to another. Three or four times he did that. Yet St. Dositheus did not complain once.
Only five years did this young man live as a monk. When he was just twenty-two, he caught a very bad sickness, which soon took his life. He had not been able to do great penances either, because of his poor health. Yet, he became a Saint in that short time by obeying perfectly.
Let us try to imitate St. Dositheus by obeying quickly and cheerfully always. Whoever obeys is sure of doing what God wants.