After five years, the Saint's relatives demanded that she marry again, and once more, Audrey gave in. Her second husband was young, and they, too, lived as brother and sister. Audrey spent all her time doing works of mercy. However, when her husband became older and a powerful king, he wanted her to live as a wife and queen. She replied that she belonged only to God. He tried hard to make her change her mind, but in the end, he let her become a nun.
Back on her own island again, St. Audrey founded a convent and was a very holy superior. Instead of wearing the linen clothes worn by other noble woman, she chose rough wool robes for herself. she slept only a few hours and prayed the rest of the night. St. Audrey died at the exact time she said she would, and her body was put into a plain wooden coffin, as she had wanted.
Let us admire this Saint who could have enjoyed all the pleasures of the world instead gave them all up to make sure she would gain the pleasures of Heaven.

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