Agnes was very happy living with the sisters, and before too long she was so good a nun that the other sisters were very pleased to have her. She was of good example to all, especially because of the wonderful way she prayed.
When she was only fifteen, Agnes was chosen superior of a whole convent of nuns! The Pope had to give a special permission to let such a young girl be the head of a convent.
Agnes was a very good superior because she was much wiser than most teenagers are. Besides that, she did great penance and was always very sweet and charitable. She truly loved God and her neighbor. God was especially pleased with Agnes and gave her many graces in answer to her prayers. Once He even let her hold the Christ Child in her rms!
Agnes was a sickly woman, but she bore her sickness for years with heroic patience. She never complained or felt sorry for herself. Instead, she offered everything to God.
Towards the end of her life, when her sisters saw that she was not going to get better, they were very sad. "If you loved me, you would be glad," said Agnes, "because I am going to enter the glory of Jesus." She died while she was praying very fervently.
We must always trust that our Heavenly Father will hear our prayers and give us whatever is for our best.

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