The Image of Christ in Our Souls
What is a tapestry? It is a picture woven into cloth. Old Thomas, the weaver, was once making a tapestry for the king. It was to be a picture of the king. Long and hard labored Old Thomas, through the day and into the night. Soon the tapestry would be finished. One night Old Thomas laid away his spools of thread in their places and went home. A spool of red thread grew very curious. (Here it is.) "From where I am I can see only the back of this weaving," he said to himself, " I wonder what it looks like on the other side." Around the loom he rolled and then he could see the whole picture. "Not bad, not bad at all for an old man," he murmured. "There's one thing wrong with it, though, there's not enough red in it. In fact, there is hardly any. Doesn't he know that I am one of the seven primary colors? I won't work any more. I quit." He came around to the back of the loom and pulled out all of the red threads. Then he rolled himself into a corner and began to pout. Old Thomas came in the next morning and what do you think he saw. The tapestry was almost finished but the king's red velvet shoes were gone. He looked all over and found the huffy red spool sulking in a corner. "I need you," he said. Back went all the red threads into the picture again. The king came to see the work soon after that and admired it. He said, "It is well done, especially the shoes. I like them." Well, don't you think the surly old spool felt silly after that.
We come back again to the image of Christ. All the threads were working together to make and image of the king. Christ the King and we are trying to make an image of Him in our souls.
The lesson is this story cooperation. When a group of people are doing anything they must all work together. You are foolish if you behave like the red spool of thread and say, "If i can't play the backfield, I won't play at all." Maybe the other fellow is really better than you. Or to say, "If I can't play the leading part in the play I won't play at all." Maybe the other girl whom Sister picked is a better actress than you are.
Here is your assignment for the week. Cooperate with someone just once this week- just for fun of it. Let Johnny carry the ball once in a while, even if it is your ball. As we have said before many times, you are making a picture of Christ in your hearts. Don't spoil that picture by selfishness.
Here is a poem for you as a final thought.
My life is but a weaving
Between my God and me.
I may but choose the colors,
He weaveth skillfully.
Full oft He chooses sorrow,
And I foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper,
And I the under side.
Source; Heaven words- Imprimatur 1941