WHEN God was giving all the flowers their names, so goes the story, He called them all before Him and told them what names they were to be known by. The rose and the lily and all the other flowers quickly memorized their names and never forgot them. Then off they went to make God's world beautiful. But then in the words of the poet:
When to the flowers so beautiful
The Father gave a name,
Back came a little blue-eyed one
( All timidly it came);
And standing at its Father's feet
And gazing in His face,
It said in low and trembling tone,
"Dear God, the name Thou gavest me.
Alas I have forgot!"
Kindly the Father looked Him down
And said, "Forget-me-not."
— Emily Roelofson
That is how the blue forget-me-not got its name. God says the same to us. "Forget Me not."
Someone once asked the Emperor Napoleon whether or not he believed in God. They said to him, " How can you believe in God when you have never seen him?" Napoleon answered, "My victories make you believe in me. But which of my victories can be compared to any of the wonders of creation? What military movement can compare with the movement of the heavenly bodies? My victories made you believe in me. The universe and all its glories make me believe in God." St. Paul tells us that "God is one." That means that He should be the only ruler of our hearts. He should be the only one we worship. When we are dishonest and steal, we are making a god out of money and are worshiping a false god. When we insist on having our own way all the time, then we are making a god out of ourselves and are worshiping a false god. There is no room in our lives for two gods, for God is one. We must worship only the one God. Our Lord said, "He that is not with Me is against Me. . . . No man can serve two masters."
When God sent us into the world He said the same words to us that He said to the little blue-eyed flower in the story. He knew that there would be times when we would be tempted to worship other gods beside Him. He knew that we would be weak at times, and thoughtless and careless. He knew that He would never forget us, and does not want us to forget Him so He whispered to us, "Forget Me not."
Source: Heirs of the Kingdom, Imprimatur 1949