You feed your body at least three times a day. But how do you feed your mind? You do feed it; and it is hungry for knowledge, information, news, all the time. You give it food by the talk to which you listen, the books, magazines, and what not, which you read, and by the deliberate or chance attention you give to the thoughts which constantly pour through your consciousness. You can choose to what talk to listen, what to read, on what thoughts to dwell, and you are so choosing, all your waking hours. Your mind takes the food you thus give it, digests it, makes it part of itself, by memory and reasoning, and brings it up to you again, sometimes against your will, and when you least expect it. Pray earnestly to God for His help, to keep your mind healthful, innocent and pure, by giving it only wholesome nourishment.
Your mind, as it is now, is the result of the food you have given it, and the use you have made of that food. If you have chosen wise and good friends, and listened to their talk; have read books and magazines and leaflets which are good, true and interesting; and have accustomed yourself to think and say things which are honest, sound and worthwhile, then you should have a well-trained, well-stocked and noble mind; and a good will, which is aided by such a mind.
If on the other hand, you have made friends who are shallow, foolish, or bad; have read trash; or, worse, evil stuff; have dwelt on thoughts of no importance, or which are positively bad; then you have an ill-fed weak and sickly mind, and you are an unhappy person, because no one can be happy with such a mind. Fortunately, the remedy depends on yourself, for if you seek good companions, choose good reading, and turn your thoughts deliberately to what is worth while, your mind will grow by what is feeds on; and become healthy, honest, well nourished and strong. It is worth while to act on this suggestion. Your happiness depends on it.
May the Holy Spirit of God, Who enlightens the minds of men, give us sense and courage to seek only good friends, read only what is worthy, and think and say what is wholesome; so may we be happy and sand in this life; and blessed forever in the Life to come; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
~ Imprimatur 1946 ~