Promises of Our Lady to those who devoutly recite the Holy Rosary,
To all those who recite my psalter, I promise my special protection.
The Rosary will be a powerful weapon against the powers of hell, it will root out vices, destroy sin, and subjugate all heresies.
He who calls on me through the Rosary shall not perish.
Whoever recites devoutly the Rosary, meditating on its holy mysteries, will not be cast down by troubles, nor perish by an unprovided death; but, if he is a sinner, he shall be converted, if he is virtuous, he shall increase in grace, and become worthy of eternal life.
Those who are truly devout in reciting my Rosary, shall not die without the Sacraments.
I will deliver from Purgatory in the space of a day those souls devoted to my Rosary.
The true children of the Rosary, shall enjoy a great glory in heaven.
Whatever you ask through the Rosary, shall be granted.
Those who propagate my Rosary shall be helped by me in all their necessities.
Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
Taken from the writings of Blessed Alanus, O, P., and copied by FR. GRANELLO, O. P. See 30th Edition 0f "THE ROSARY MEDITATED," A work many times blessed by Leo XIII., and approved of by FR. HYACINTHUS IGNESI, O. P. S. T. M., and FR. ALBERTUS LEFIDI, O. P. S. T. M, and Master of the Sacred Palace.
Source: The Rosary, The Crown of Mary, Imprimatur 1900
A file of this beautiful book as well as a coloring page can be found below:
To all those who recite my psalter, I promise my special protection.
The Rosary will be a powerful weapon against the powers of hell, it will root out vices, destroy sin, and subjugate all heresies.
He who calls on me through the Rosary shall not perish.
Whoever recites devoutly the Rosary, meditating on its holy mysteries, will not be cast down by troubles, nor perish by an unprovided death; but, if he is a sinner, he shall be converted, if he is virtuous, he shall increase in grace, and become worthy of eternal life.
Those who are truly devout in reciting my Rosary, shall not die without the Sacraments.
I will deliver from Purgatory in the space of a day those souls devoted to my Rosary.
The true children of the Rosary, shall enjoy a great glory in heaven.
Whatever you ask through the Rosary, shall be granted.
Those who propagate my Rosary shall be helped by me in all their necessities.
Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
Taken from the writings of Blessed Alanus, O, P., and copied by FR. GRANELLO, O. P. See 30th Edition 0f "THE ROSARY MEDITATED," A work many times blessed by Leo XIII., and approved of by FR. HYACINTHUS IGNESI, O. P. S. T. M., and FR. ALBERTUS LEFIDI, O. P. S. T. M, and Master of the Sacred Palace.
Source: The Rosary, The Crown of Mary, Imprimatur 1900
A file of this beautiful book as well as a coloring page can be found below:
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