A little girl once asked her mother, "When I grow up, if I don't get married, will I be like Auntie Nell?" "Yes, dear." " If I do get married my husband will be like Daddy?" "Yes, dear." The little girl sighed and said, "Ain't life tough." But marriage is not really as bad as she thought, is it?
Matrimony is the sacrament which unites a Christian man and woman in lawful marriage.
It is a sacrament. That means that it is instituted by Jesus Christ Himself. It must then be something holy and sacred if Christ made it a sacrament.
It is often asked, are there any married saints? Of course, there are. Who can name some? How about your own parents? They are wonderful people, aren't they? St. Louis, king of France, whom we saw in the sermon on Baptism was a married saint. So was St. Rita, St. Jane Frances, and St. Elizabeth of Hungary. How about St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine?
St. Monica was born in Africa about the year 333 (also an easy date to remember). When fairly young she was married to a government official named Patritius. He was a pagan and had many faults. One of these was his violent temper. Monica, by her sweetness and patience, made life very happy for him and after some years he became a Christian.
About the same time her eldest son Augustine began to lead a wicked life. Monica prayed hard for him to return to God. One day while she was praying in church, the priest said to her, "The child of those tears will never be lost." She followed her son to Rome, then to Milan, till by her prayers he was converted and became not only a Christian but a saint. Soon after that St. Monica died. She has always been an example of praying for what we want until we get it. She is a very popular saint and don't, a married woman, just the same as your mothers.
We learn from this that it is not necessary to join a convent to be a saint, nor is it necessary to be a priest. You can be a saint and at the same time be the parent of many children.
Pius X, after he had been made bishop of Rome and pope of the Church, spoke to his mother of how happy he was. He showed her his ring. She said to him, "You are very proud of that, but here is one of which I am also proud." She showed him her wedding ring. " If I did not have this one you would not have that one.
Source: Heavenwords, Imprimatur 1941